
We Value Your Safety

Say Yes! Drug-Free Neighborhoods (SY) is committed to educating people of all ages about drug, crime and violence.We are committed in identifying positive members in all communities. We encourage Drug and Crime Prevention programs to empower neighbors to ensure healthier communities. SY promotes Safer schools, neighborhoods and community awareness nationwide: one kid at a time, one business at a time with one dollar at a time.

Your donation of any dollar amount will help a kid to stay Drug-Free and maintain a crime-free environment.

Say Yes! Drug-Free Neighborhoods is affiliated with the Fresno Neighborhood Network Corporation (FNN). FNN is a non-profit, tax exempt, community based corporation that was established to help participating unincorporated organizations address their own missions in terms of affordable housing, drug and crime prevention, education, economic development, and employment services within our communities.

FNN is tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code.

Because of Say Yes! organization's affiliation with Fresno Neighborhood Network, any type of donations-monetary contributions, real or personal property, merchandise, or products-will be tax deductible to the donor subject to the Internal Revenue Code. Donors will receive reciepts from Fresno Neighborhood Network Corporation. Additionally, donors may be assured that your donations will be given directly to the Say Yes! organization and that Fresno Neighborhood Network will retain no percentage of the gift or charge any fee for providing this service.

Mark W. Peterson
(559) 917-1785
Fresno Neighborhood Network Corporation Director